Thanks for letting me know about pwgen – I wasn’t aware of it. Its not installed by default on my system, but it does appear to be useful.

Regarding “standard” ways and dissing custom software PRNGs, if cryptographically secure random numbers are important for password generation (and I doubt they are), then my script can be “extended” like this:

ruby -rsecurerandom -e 'puts [*"a".."z",*"A".."Z",*"0".."9","!@#$%^&*()_+[]/-=.,".split("")].
  shuffle(random: SecureRandom)[0..(ARGV.shift.to_i)].join' 16

But again, not important.

Regarding xkcdpass, I’m aware of it but these kinds of passwords I can generate myself – the problem are those annoying sites, like my bank’s – which not only requires me to use a digit and a punctuation (but no Hebrew characters) but also limits the number of characters in my password to 12 (!!), thus rejecting most passphrases.

And lastly, you’re missing the whole point of Script Day – which is to have fun with scripting and show what can be done with just a bit of free time and an small itch ?