Hey I’m on KDE 25.24.5 and it seems deleting `\` from the line starting with `dbus-monitor –profile` to make it single line works.

So full line would be
/usr/bin/dbus-monitor –profile “type=signal,path=/ActivityManager/Activities,interface=org.kde.ActivityManager.Activities,member=CurrentActivityChanged” | while read type timestamp serial sender destination path interface member; do


Also on the writeconf i needed to add these lines to make it really global:
function writeconf() {
kwriteconfig5 –file ~/.config/kdeglobals –group General –key BrowserApplication “$1”
xdg-settings set default-web-browser “$1”
xdg-mime default “$1” x-scheme-handler/https
xdg-mime default “$1” x-scheme-handler/http