
File operations in MC are done through a layer called Virtual File System. This extra layer of indirection lets programmers plug in their own custom filesystems.

Traditionally, MC has let you create custom filesystems using your own external scripts. E.g., a shell script, a Perl script.

You can now write your filesystems in Lua. Some of the advantages are:

  • PortabilityYou're not dependent on external programs that vary between systems.
  • Ease of installationJust drop a single Lua file in your Lua directory.
  • PerfromanceYou can keep state in memory.
  • FunctionalityYou can implement all conceivable filesystem operations.

Creating a filesystem

You create a filesystem by describing, in a table, how its various file operations are performed, and then registering this information:

local myfs = {
  prefix = "myfs",
  open = function(...) ... end,
  stat = function(...) ... end,
  rename = function(...) ... end,
  delete = function(...) ... end,


You can then access this filesystem anywhere in MC by embedding “myfs://” in pathnames.

Let’s look at it in detail.

This document uses the terms “functions”, “operations” and “operators” interchangeably.

In detail

There are more than two dozen file operations (reading a file, closing, seeking, renaming, deleting, etc.), and for each of them you can provide an implementation.

Thankfully, however, for a filesystem to function all you have to implement is 2 or 3 operations. When you register a filesystem it gets analyzed and if it’s missing some crucial operation you'll be informed of this with a friendly error message. This way you don’t need to memorize much.

Let’s start with a minimal working filesystem. Put the following in a file in your user’s Lua folder and restart Lua:

local myfs = {

  prefix = "myfs",

  readdir = function (_, dir)
    if dir == "" then
      return {"one.txt","two.txt","three.txt"}



We've implemented the readdir operation, which, given a directory name, returns all the files in it. We can test our filesystem by issuing cd myfs:// inside MC or by doing devel.view(assert(fs.dir("myfs://"))) in Lua.

The prefix field makes the system associate paths with our filesystem.

Note the first parameter to our “readdir” function, which we ignore (underscore is a common Lua idiom). It stands for the session, but we won’t use it in our filesystem; we'll learn about sessions later. All operators get this first parameter.

We wrote our code in a JavaScript style. It’s fine, but let’s switch to Lua style:

local MyFS = {
  prefix = "myfs",

function MyFS:readdir(dir)
  if dir == "" then
    return {"one.txt","two.txt","three.txt"}


The files readdir reports are by default regular files with zero size. If you want to change this, implement stat.

Now, we want to provide access to our files.

One way to do this is to implement the operators open, read, write, seek and close.

The other way is to implement just one operator, file, instead. This operator is similar to the open operation: it gets the pathname to the file to be opened, the opening mode (read, write, etc.), and some other potentially useful information. The operator should return either a file object (fs.File or, or a string which is the file’s content.

lets start by returning a string:

function MyFS:file(pathname, mode)
  if pathname == "one.txt" then
    return "This is the contents of one.txt"

This could be convenient for filesystems containing short statistics messages. BTW, it’s alright for zero size files (as reported by stat()) to contain data.

Let’s return a file object instead:

function MyFS:file(pathname, mode)
  if mode == "r" then
    if pathname == "one.txt" then
      return"/etc/fstab", mode)

here we make our “one.txt” file mirror “/etc/fstab”. This is nonsensical, of course. Let’s now do something useful instead. Let’s have “one.txt” be the output of some OS command. We might be tempted to do:

function MyFS:file(pathname, mode)
  if mode == "r" then
    if pathname == "one.txt" then
      return io.popen("df -H")

Which would work, but MC’s editor wants to seek() in the file when it opens it (for no good reason) and pipes don’t respond to seeking. A workaround is to write the data to a temporary file and return it instead:

function MyFS:file(pathname, mode)
  if mode == "r" then
    if pathname == "one.txt" then
      local f, tmpname = fs.temporary_file()
      os.execute("df -H > " .. tmpname)
      return f


A filesystem often needs to manage some state.


  • A filesystem showing an archive’s contents may want to cache an index of the files within.

  • A filesystem showing a database’s contents may want to remember the username/password.

  • A network filesystem needs to keep an open socket.

We call this state a session. A session is an object (a Lua table) with which you can do whatever you want.

A session, in object-oriented parlance, is an instance of a filesystem class. It’s the first argument to all our operator functions. It’s the self Lua argument implicit in all our operators.


Let’s use the session concept to implement an “archive” filesystem.

First, let’s discuss what happens when our filesystem is accessed for the first time. Let’s imagine that the following pathname is accessed:


The system first asks each of our MyFS sessions if this pathname is under its control. If the answer is negative, it builds a new session for us. By default, ‘/path/outside’ is used to identify sessions. In other words, by default, the following two paths belong to the same session:


The following two paths, however, belong to two different sessions:


When a session is created, your filesystem is asked to initialize it. This is done using the open_session operator.

Let’s have an example. We'll make a filesystem for showing the sections in a Markdown file. A section is announced by a line beginning with a “#” character. Here’s a sample Markdown file:

# Sample Markdown file

## Section 1

Here's a section.

## Section 2

Here's another section.
Nothing more to see here.

First, we need code to split the text above into sections:

-- Splits markdown text into sections.
-- Returns a table in this form:
--   {
--      ["001. Intro"] = "......",
--      ["002. Overview of filesystems"] = "......",
--      ["003. Summary"] = "....."
--   }
local function split_sections(text)

  local section_re = [[
      ^ \#+ \s* ([^\n]*)   # Header
      .*?                  # Body
      (?=^\#)              # Stop at the next header.

  local sections = {}
  local counter = 1

  for raw, header in (text .. "\n#"):p_gmatch {section_re, "smx"} do
    local numbered_header = ("%03d. %s"):format(counter, header)
    sections[numbered_header] = raw
    counter = counter + 1

  return sections


Next, we write our filesystem and register it:

local MarkdownFS = { prefix = "markdown" }

function MarkdownFS:open_session()

  if fs.stat(self.parent_path, "type") ~= "regular" then
    abort(T"File %s isn't a regular file.":format(self.parent_path.str))

  local text = assert( )

  -- Since MarkDown files are relatively small, we keep all the sections
  -- in memory. For filesystems representing potentially big archives
  -- we'd store in memory just an index to the locations on disk.
  self.sections = split_sections(text)


local append = table.insert

-- Reports all the "files" (sections) in our MarkDown file.
function MarkdownFS:readdir(path)
  local names = {}
  for name, _ in pairs(self.sections) do
    append(names, name)
  return names

-- Opens a "file".
function MarkdownFS:file(path)
  return self.sections[path]

-- Convenience: makes pressing ENTER in a panel over MarkDown files
-- automatically 'cd' to them.
MarkdownFS.glob = "*.{md,mkd,mdown}"


Now, to test our filesystem we need to locate some markdown file. If you don’t have one, create one. Then, in MC, type:

cd /path/to/

…and you'll see the “contents” of the file.

As a convenience, you can tell MC to automatically “cd” to an archive when the user presses ENTER over it. You do this by using any of the properties glob, iglob, regex and iregex:

local MarkdownFS = {
  prefix = "markdown",
  glob = "*.md",

Finally, note that if you do:

cd markdown://

MC sees this as relative path and adds the current directory in front. So it translates to: /current/directory/markdown://.

Examining the open sessions

Under MC’s “Command” menu you'll find the command “Active VFS list” (C-x a). It lists Lua filesystems as well. Lua filesystems behave just like non-Lua ones and they are freed automatically after X minutes when not in use.

When a Lua filesystem is freed, the close_session operation is called. We haven’t used it in our Markdown example, but we would use it, for example, if we needed to delete temporary files or close a socket.

Non-archive sessions

Let’s imagine a filesystem which shows MySQL tables. We'd invoke it using:

cd mysql://

We've said earlier that this is a relative path and that MC prepends the current directory to it. This means that MC actually sees /current/directory/mysql://. There’s no problem in this per se: our filesystem will work as expected. However, if we do cd mysql:// later, from a different directory, MC won’t re-use the existing open session (if it’s still open). This results in two sessions being open.

To solve this, we have to tell MC, when it interrogates us about any path, that it belongs to our session. We do this using the is_same_session operation.

function MysqlFS:is_same_session()
  return true

function MysqlFS:get_name()
  return "mysql://"
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2016-08-23 17:29:40