Just helping out with the Google HTTP issue
In an effort to help stop malformed URLs from being redirected to Microsoft, here are some links for Google about HTTP and http.
In an effort to help stop malformed URLs from being redirected to Microsoft, here are some links for Google about HTTP and http.
For everyone who’s been living under a rock for the past few years, Apple browser – Safari – is based on the KHTML rendering engine and KJS JavaScript engine from KDE. Apple copied them to create their own open source project: Webkit, which attracted some open-source developers that contributed to webkit projects and to products that are based on them – Apple’s Safari most notably, but 3rd party MacOSX web browsers are using it as well, and also Nokia’s Series 60 3rd edition web browser (And its really nice that Nokia credits both Webkit and KDE).
Now Apple is trying to give back to the community by rewarding top Webkit contributors with Macbook Pro laptops.
I’ve read a note by some guy at forum/blogging web site called PlanetCrap. Its an old one and the discussion isn’t relevant so I won’t put up a direct link (and the content on that site is pretty bad), but this one guy said:
True, but encryption laws in the United States have been written so it is impossible for terrorists to use an encryption scheme that the government cannot break if need be.
Which is something I hear often enough to trouble me – the problem is like this: A lot of countries have anti-cryptography laws, including here in Israel (although its been update recently so you just can’t invent new and stronger ciphers, instead of outlawing current strong ciphers like the Americans are stupidly doing).
The premise of all anti-cryptography laws is something like this: “We are going to outlaw the lawful exchange and use of strong cryptography algorithms because we don’t want them to be access by “bad people””. Which is inherently incredibly silly!
To some desktops atleast (the real operating system release – what is known in the MS world as “going gold”- is a ways off, don’t get your hopes up for that thing being uncaged before 2H2006), which would not have made a big splash in my little corner, have I not glanced at the above linked article (forum post actually).
I Installed OpenSUSE 10.1 on my second computer yesterday – a lowly P3-666 with 64MB.
I must say I’m highly impressed.
I recently had a discussion with a friend about why people choose a specific development enviroment to write their software, and not a better/easier/faster one. I think its a good discussion of my views in this subject, and since it was done using IM, I can post it verbatim (almost verbatim – I spell check better when I post then when I chat 😉 plus the names of the innocent were changed to protect their identity) :
להאבק נגד יותר מדי מלח בצ’יפס של רשתות מזון מהיר !
רשתות מזון מהיר תמיד ממליחות את הצ’יפס שלהן בתוך מתקן ההכנה הראשי של הצ’יפס, ותמיד יותר מדי.
כולנו יודעים כמה מלח זה לא טוב ללחץ דם וכולי. מסתבר שיש דרך אחרת – אמרו לא למלח!
אפשר לבקש את הצ’יפס בלי מלח, ואז העובד שמכין את הצ’יפס לא מוסיף מלח – את הצ’יפס שלכם עדיין תקבלו עם מלח, מכיוון שמתקן ההכנה מלא במלח מצ’יפסים קודמים יותר, אבל הכמות תהיה הרבה יותר סבירה
I’ve read ettrich’s rant about possible improvments to KDE 4 over the current status.
Some things stated are very important, and some I think are way overrated and are mostly just “usability hype”. One of the issues for which ettrich’s got the most flak was his rants about “embedding is the Wrong Thing(tm)”.
And as you probably have already heard, Microsoft IE7 (only available to certain pre-registered MSDN subscribers, but can probably be gotten to using BitTorrent) does offer some changes from previous versions (unlike IE6, which can not be distinguished from IE5 without closer inspection).