Archive for the ‘Tourism’ Category

יותר תמונות!

אני מתנצל על השתיקה בחודש האחרון, יש לי המון דברים לכתוב, אבל לא ממש זמן לעשות את זה. אני די עמוס בעבודה וכשאני חוזר הביתה אני רק רוצה לנוח ולהתנתק מהמחשב – לא חשבתי שזה יקרה אף פעם – אבל בשבועיים האחרונים לא ממש פתחתי מחשב בבית.

בכל מקרה, מצאתי אתמול זמן לסדר קצת תמונות וסידרתי אלבומים מהחצי שנה האחרונה:

אני אספר על עוד דברים שקורים, בהמשך כשיהיה לי זמן.

Pictures from Ireland

I’ve started uploading the pictures from the Ireland trip Karen and me took on October (after I gave up on getting all the pictures arranged and labeled with Karen’s help). Look for them in the “October, 2008” album (you can access the gallery quickly using the big “Pictures” tab at the top).

Not everything has yet uploaded (less then half at this time) and what has went up may be out of order so take care when navigating through the photos. One reason to upload it now is that I’m going on reserves duty on Sunday and that is sure to generate a lot more new photographs – it seems that I only practice photography these days on two occasions: either when I’m abroad or in the army (which for some reason at least one of my coworkers keep confusing the two 🙂 ).

Updated: all the pictures were uploaded – a bit less then what I expected: after initial pruning we are at about 1400 pictures, and possibly there are still some redundant pictures that I need to remove. The pictures should be mostly in the correct order, except for the problem that we were using two cameras whose timestamps are a few hours off – so the Powershot pictures should always be after all of the Nikon pictures.

Just back from diving trip in Sinai

As the title specifies, I just got back from a diving trip in Sinai – which included 4 days of scuba diving from a boat, with Assi and several great people that we met on the trip (guys – lets keep in touch, you all have my email 😉 ).

Pictures from the trip are, as always, in my gallery – here is a direct link to the album. You can also see it in the “Latest Album” link in the sidebar below – its the one with the underwater motorcycle.1

And in meta-posting, I’ve just noticed that the “Random Picture” widget (at the top of the sidebar) most often prefers to show more recent pictures – I need to check why is that, but in the mean time you can probably see underwater pictures from the Sinai dives there 🙂 .


because my pictures from inside the Thislegorm could really would have been better, and so that you can see what you are missing by not diving in the Red Sea, here is a short video I stole from youTube with all kinds of stuff you can see on the most famous sunken ship in the Red Sea – the SS Thislegorm:

  1. Also – checkout the slideshow – if you have PicLens installed you can view it in 3D… []

בחזרה מאירלנד

[פוסט מתוארך אחורנית, כי אני חמור – חזרתי מאירלנד ומאז לא כתבתי כלום]

אז זהו סוף הטיול שלנו באירלנד – נכון שקצת anti-climatic, אבל זה מה יש 🙂 הנה מה שקרה:


תקציר האירועים עד כה

אני נורא אצלן ואין לי כוח לכתוב את כל הסיפור, אז הנה תקציר האירועים לאחר הפוסט האחרון של קרן, כדי שנזכור מה עשינו (ובעברית כדי לעשות לקרן את החיים קשים, כמובן 😉 ).


עדכון מהחזית

אנחנו מפשלים לאחרונה ולא מעדכנים את הבלוג (אין זמן – אנחנו נוסעים ממקום למקום ומנסים להספיק את הכל), אבל הנה עדכון מהיר לכל קוראי העברית:

אתמול היינו במשתה בסגנון ימי הביניים בטירת בונראטי (Bunratty), שהיא טירה משוחזרת מהמאה ה-15 (הטירה היתה הרוסה חלקית ובשנת 1957 מיליונר אירי קנה אותה ושחזר אותה בשיתוף עם הממשלה). בטירה עושים כל ערב משתה לאורחים (בתשלום כמובן) בסגנון המאה ה-15 כולל קבלת פנים, נגנים וזמרים וכמובן אוכל בכלים מסורתיים – בלי סכו”ם :-).

בסוף הארוחה קמתי והצעתי לקרן נישואים, והיא הסכימה ! 🙂 !

אז זהו זה, וצפו לעדכונים בהמשך (הרבה בהמשך..)

Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!

Or, in this case, Oded does..

We were walking around taking pictures – then Oded picks up his foot to take a step and leaves the *entire sole of his shoe* on the ground.. Arg!

So today is shopping and laundry.. A real post about what we’ve done and how things are going will *probably* be tonight when I am in the right headspace to post..

Hope everyone’s having loads of fun!


There’s a Goose Alseep in the Rain!


Lots of silly sheep – most of them wet and scrawny, probably because of the wet – over in the Gap of Dunloe which we started our day in.. It’s amazing how even on a gray, wet, miserable day with fog, the Gap is still amazingly gorgeous! And has lots of sheep.. Silly sheep.. Including the one brilliant sheep standing in the middle of the road right after a turn.. “Baa!” it said to us when we saw it.. “Get off the road, silly sheep!” we told it back.. Then we flashed our lights at it and it turned around and started running – down the road we needed to take.. So we chased a silly sheep down the road for a few minutes, while the sheep was getting more and more stressed, until it finally left the road and we passed it..

Rainy Grays


Yesterday was one of those days where the only thing you really want to do is curl up with hot chocolate and a book.. Weather outside was sleepy weather – misty rain and several shades of gray.. Not the best time to visit Muckross House and Gardens – or any other part of Killarney’s National Park.. We took a jaunt car – which is a horse and buggy type contraption – which was lots of fun, and toured the Muckross House, which is interesting and beautiful. We *tried* to walk around a little, but I was in a slightly miserable mood and it was *wet*, so we didn’t get much exploring done.. Did see Torc Waterfall, which is beautiful.

Oh, Blarney!

Hugs, everyone!

Alright, so the first thing we learned today is that Powershowers have better water pressure than the alternative, but it’s still not really fun to wash my hair in it.. It’s just barely tolerable..

The second thing we learned is that try as we might (and try we do), we’re not really equipped to start the day earlier than 10.. Oh, well.. I hope that if we shower at night instead of planning to do so in the morning, we’ll be better able to get out after breakfast, around 9-9:30..