Quantity means Quality
I’ve just read this repost of a repost, so I’m reposting here:
I’ve just read this repost of a repost, so I’m reposting here:
I’ve read ettrich’s rant about possible improvments to KDE 4 over the current status.
Some things stated are very important, and some I think are way overrated and are mostly just “usability hype”. One of the issues for which ettrich’s got the most flak was his rants about “embedding is the Wrong Thing(tm)”.
And as you probably have already heard, Microsoft IE7 (only available to certain pre-registered MSDN subscribers, but can probably be gotten to using BitTorrent) does offer some changes from previous versions (unlike IE6, which can not be distinguished from IE5 without closer inspection).
I’m using a Compaq (not HP) Evo n410c laptop using Mandrake Linux (cooker) and frankly, its battery life are pretty poor (somehwere around 1 hour).
The problem is that the system configuration and defaults could be handled better.
In many situations (normally in buisness correspondance), an email discussion with the client needs to include many people from both sides. As long as everyone keeps replying to each other, its no big deal – the first person went to the trouble of adding all the required people and everyone else just “Reply All” eveytime.
This gets a little more complicated when you have something new to say which should belong on the same thread of an already active discussion, but still need to be delivered to the same people. You now have the option of either composing a completely new email and adding all those people by hand, or using “Reply All” and removing manually all the content of the old discussion before starting a new one. The problem with the latter method is that it does not remove headers that the email software would send on this particular eventulity, which include items to allow advanced mail user agents to understand context of discussions – who replied to who and when. Such email clients will display your new message as part of the original thread.
Kmail/Kontact offers a simple way to solve this problem: creating distribution lists is as easy as locating an email item containing all the people you want in your new list. Now just hit “Replay All” on that email and click “Save as list”. Type in a new name for that list and “Ok”. Now you can close the original email, and start a new clean composer in whose address bar you can start typing the name you just gave your new distribution list. The mail compose will of course help you by auto completion.
Slashdot recently published another hit-n-run article about some kind of search-engine-come-social-application that defines keywords which you can use to quickly search web accessible databases.
What’s new here ? As many slashdoters noted – nothing much. Konqueror had that functionality like forever, Firefox has it after being imported from epiphany some time ago and even opera carries some basic keyword support. So why would I want to use a web site based keyword search ? oh. Maybe if I have Internet Explorer as my main browser. But then again I don’t.