Fix RVM “run script from the internet to install”
On Wednesday I complained about the latest UN*X fad of installing software by running scripts from the internet, without any regard to how your operating system handles software installation.
Docker, that I complained about last time, at least has a script that takes into account the local software management solution (uses apt for Ubuntu, yum for Fedora, etc), but RVM – the Ruby Version Manager which is a popular tool among rubyists everywhere, just downloads a bunch of executable stuff (granted, most of it are scripts, but the difference is lost on most people) into arbitrary location on your file system. At least it doesn’t install system software, oh wait – it does.
While I can’t help with RVM’s desire to install system level software (that it actually needs because one of the things you want RVM to do for you is to compile ruby versions from source), I can try to help you figure out how to install RVM where you want it and use it how you want it.