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Sometimes, I don’t get them.

I have started listening to podcasts on my drive to and from work each day. It sure beats surfing the net on my phone while I’m stuck in traffic, or listening to corny political talk shows on the radio (I’m don’t deal well with the local stations music playlists, so tuning to all music shows is out of the question, and as I only have standard audio CD player carrying enough of my own music with me to keep me entertained is not feasable).

Anyway, currently I’m listening to TLLTS and its mostly very interesting.

Solar eclipse

The solar eclipse, as seen from Israel, was just concluded successfully.

While I was totally under-equiped for it, some people have more foresight, and bring their dark glass panes to the photo shoot. I on the other hand am quicker with the development process 😉

Photographs here.

Also, this how I look taking the photos:

חג דמוקרטיה שמח לכם

ושוב אנחנו עומדים בתור לקלפיות, והפעם – יותר מכרגיל – באמת אין במי לבחור (ואולי זו התדרדרות עקבית מבחירות לבחירות, ובפעם הבאה יהיה יותר גרוע?).


I updated the image gallery part of the site

The new image gallery provides better integration with my photo management software, so I can update it more easily. It also made it easier to upload all the photos that I had on my computer, so everything is currently on the site including the Thailand trip, the last Army reserves tour and Purim.

The new gallery code is significantly slower then the previous one, so please be patient with it.

Here’s the link הנה הקישור

עדכנתי את אזור התמונות באתר (ראו בקישור מעל או בסרגל הצד). עם תוכנת הגלריה החדשה יותר קל לי להעלות תמונות, אז מצאתי את הזמן להעלות את כל התמונות שהיו חסרות לי, כולל תאילנד, המילואים האחרונים ופורים. הגלריה החדשה כן הרבה יותר איטית מהקודמת, אז נא להתאזר בסבלנות. תודה

Cross linking fun :-)

משהו שידיד אמר לי אתמול: “כמות המשכל הכללית בעולם קבועה, הבעיה היא שכל שנה נולדים יותר אנשים”. אחי הצעיר מנסה להגיד בערך את אותו הדבר ביותר מילים 🙂 .

Just helping out with the Google HTTP issue

In an effort to help stop malformed URLs from being redirected to Microsoft, here are some links for Google about HTTP and http.

וואלה שוב עושים שטויות

גוגל השיקו אתמול את שרות החדשות שלהם בעברית, ואחת הידיעות בעמוד הראשי היום היא ידיעה המשוכה מחדשות וואלה, שבה מסופר שוואלה תובעים את גוגל על כך שהם מושכים חדשות מהאתר שלהם, בגין “פגיעה חמורה בזכויות הקניין… אגב הפרת זכויות היוצרים בהן” – כך במקור :-).


So X sucks, now what do we do about it?

X is the graphical framework used on Unix, as in the standard – and it has two free implementations – the old XFree86, and the refurbished (for a good overview of what is X, and what everyone is talking about these days, check out Free Software Magazine’s “Accelerated X Flame Wars!” article).

Problem is, that the X protocol was designed back in the 70s or something, with a lot of future thinking – but that future is what we now call “past”, way way back. So its showing its age. Since there isn’t anything new to replace it (there were several contenders, but none that made it), and X does offer some important and cool features you’d find in nowhere else these days – remote display, being the most important – X is still the display engine used on todays Unix/Linux workstations.


And now to something completely different

It has to be seen to be believed, so just go see it.

Its a video of a working robotic vehicle that can reconfigure itself on the fly from a wheeled vehicle configuration to a bipedal vehicle configuration.


Apple thanks open-source contributors

For everyone who’s been living under a rock for the past few years, Apple browser – Safari – is based on the KHTML rendering engine and KJS JavaScript engine from KDE. Apple copied them to create their own open source project: Webkit, which attracted some open-source developers that contributed to webkit projects and to products that are based on them – Apple’s Safari most notably, but 3rd party MacOSX web browsers are using it as well, and also Nokia’s Series 60 3rd edition web browser (And its really nice that Nokia credits both Webkit and KDE).

Now Apple is trying to give back to the community by rewarding top Webkit contributors with Macbook Pro laptops.
