Archive for the ‘Software’ Category

Living on the bleeding edge – repricutions

Today I upgraded my Mandriva Linux cooker installation, and in the process, RPM was upgraded to version 4.4.4, which of course trashed the rpm package database.

After the upgrade any call to RPM would result in the following error being produced:
rpmdb: Program version 4.4 doesn't match environment version 0.610


Using Apache Torque from JPackage

For some reason which is completely beyond me, Apache java projects – at least the ones I encounter lately and that are a less known outside the Java community – tend to be huge, complicated, and require lots of dependancies (some even circular inter-dependancies).

All this makes using them out-of-the-box as I expect any development library to work, almost impossible. In order to use something simple such as a templating system you need to have a full set of Apache java projects installed, including a project management suite, an HTTP client, a WebDAV client (which for some wierd reason is not the same thing), database persistancy layer, and more and more.

At this point I’m trying to use the Apache Torque (db-torque in jpackage lingo) which is a Java database abstraction layer, as insalled from JPackage 1.6. Apparently, using it is so “simple” – you just need to edit 3 (!!) files :-/.. and then do this and this and this and this.. and none of it is properly documented where you would expect to find such documentation – in the jpackage ..-manual package or the web site for the project. The manual package at least comes with a basic tutorial but its (a) extremly skimpy on actual details, (b) refers to files that cannot be found on the jpackage archive, and (c) apparently was removed from the actual web site for some reason.


Using the XML HTTP Request object

Here s a really good primer on starting with all this AJAX stuff: Using the XML HTTP Request object.

It gets you up and running quickly with some basic example of running HTTP requests (the “Right Way(tm)”), including JSON and SOAP.


Windows Vista r5270 has arrived

To some desktops atleast (the real operating system release – what is known in the MS world as “going gold”- is a ways off, don’t get your hopes up for that thing being uncaged before 2H2006), which would not have made a big splash in my little corner, have I not glanced at the above linked article (forum post actually).


ניטור עומסים

במאמץ להבין לאיפה הולך כל ה-CPU time של השרת שלי, כתבתי תסריט קטן שצופה במסד הנתונים (MySQL) ומנסה להציג מידע שימושי לניתוח עומסים.


OpenSUSE 10.1

I Installed OpenSUSE 10.1 on my second computer yesterday – a lowly P3-666 with 64MB.
I must say I’m highly impressed.


A software design issue (and a picture)

I’m writing some kind of registry mechanism to get some data from a set of extandable backends (currently some configuration information).
Now I have a problem – some of these backends might need configuration information in order to fetch the information they were requested. As I want to reuse the same mechanism for all requests, I want the extension to call back into the registry to get more configuration data from that – but from another backend. (more…)

The right tool for the job ? Not for everyone.

I recently had a discussion with a friend about why people choose a specific development enviroment to write their software, and not a better/easier/faster one. I think its a good discussion of my views in this subject, and since it was done using IM, I can post it verbatim (almost verbatim – I spell check better when I post then when I chat 😉 plus the names of the innocent were changed to protect their identity) :

דרושה: ספריה

קראתי את הפוסט האחרון של xslf באתר שלה (ברוכה השבה לארצנו) ודבר אחד עורר בי תהיה – היא מדברת שם על שני ספרים שקראה, ומקשרת אותם לעמוד המתאים באמזון – כמו שכולם עושים.

דבר שלחלוטין לא ברור לי. (more…)

JavaScript Date Format

I took the time to implement some sorely missed functionality in the JavaScript core objects – Date is missing simple date formatting to text string. While the Date object can parse arbitrary textual descriptions of dates and times as input, it can only output textual description with a fixed “locale” template.

I’ve looked up on the web and there are some utilities that achieve this simple operation, but most of them are overly complex and some people even have the nerve to charge for this very simple code !