Archive for June 11th, 2017

Woes of moving to a more secure world

If you haven’t noticed, my blog is now secure from the NSA peeking at your comments by the magic of TLS and Lets Encrypt !

But doing this, I forgot to update WordPress’s notion of what URL this blog lives on, and as a result comments posting didn’t actually work.

Sorry about that, and now it should work fine,

Script Day: “secure” password generated one liner

Ever needed to create a “secure” password to register to a web site1 and you couldn’t be bothered to invent a secure password? Just paste this command line to your terminal:

ruby -e 'puts [*"a".."z",*"A".."Z",*"0".."9",
  ].shuffle[0..(ARGV.shift.to_i)].join' 16

The last argument is the number of characters to put into the password.

  1. that probably annoyingly require “at least 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 number and 1 special character” []