Another thing I find annoying

September 3rd, 2012

When you send an email to a list with a file attached, but you attach the wrong file. So a helpful soul replies with “you attached the wrong file” and you want to just ‘reply all’ and attach the correct file – but the helpful person didn’t want to cause you shame by publishing your error, and so their reply was private.

Now to send the correct file, you have to dig up your old email from the sent items folder and reply to that with “sorry for being stupid”.

So – it helpful friends: when you want to help, please use ‘reply all’. It’s the friendly thing to do, as it saves me both annoyance and face.

Another form of recycling

July 22nd, 2012

This was on the bus stop bench outside my work today:


The note under the memory modules (3 sticks, 512MB each, either PC100 or PC123) says “please take”.

I never thought about trying that. Do you think I can do the same with my old CRT?

Apple’s next iPhone 5 will have everything we’ve already seen on Android

July 9th, 2012

International Business Times has published an article with some features made available by iOS 6 that is likely iPhone 5 will offer:

Answering/Declining Calls – Users will now have the option to answer or decline calls. Users may send a text message from a choice of pre-programmed options if you wish not to be disturbed at the moment. Users will also be able to remind themselves to return the missed calls later.

Really? That’s a new feature? Having used these features constantly since, like, forever on Android, I’m actually very surprised that iOS didn’t have those up till now.

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מתכון: מרק קרם סלרי

June 18th, 2012

סתם מרק נחמד לקיץ (למי שאוהב סלרי)1:


  • אחד סלרי עלים (ראש שלם)
  • שני קישואים
  • שלושה גזרים
  • ארבע שיני שום
  • שעועית ירוקה עדינה, זה שבתרמילים (עדיף מוקפא)
  • ובצל אחד גדול


פורסים את הסלרי לפרוסות דקות – כל הגבעולים, עד לאיפה שמתחילים העלים. שמרו את העלים, נשתמש בהם בסוף. את הבצל לקצוץ לחתיכות קטנות, אבל לא מדי – אנחנו לא רוצים שהוא ישרף, וגם את הגזר, הקישוא והשום (לפרוס לחתיכות קטנות מספיק שיתבשלו בקלות בזמן קצר – הגודל והצורה לא ממש משנים כי אנחנו הולכים לטחון את הכל בסוף). Read the rest of this entry »

  1. זה מרק שטעים כשהוא קר, אם כי אני חושב שגם כשהוא חם []

כמה מקומות חניה לנכים יש?

June 14th, 2012


נחשו נא בבקשה כמה מקומות חניה לנכים יש בצד הכביש, כי העיריה כנראה לא כל כך בטוחה…

The most complex Google Doodle

May 23rd, 2012

Please go to Google’s Home page right now to look at the Google Doodle for Robert Moog‘s1 78th Birthday – its a fully functional synthesizer that you can play on and record yourself!

It works slightly better in Chrome although the latest Firefoxes can also handle the moogdoodle. I wouldn’t count on anything else being able to play this demo that uses the experimental Web Audio API for HTML 5 that looks to aiming to bring to the web, all the capabilities of a Commodore 64 SID ;-).

Things you can do (The knobs are unfortunately unmarked, so I had to guess what each knob does):

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  1. Inventor of the analog synthesizer []

הסרט הכי מטופש הגיע לארץ

May 2nd, 2012

ולפי המסורת היישראלית ארוכת השנים של שמות מטופשים לסרטים מטופשים, אז איך נתרגם את השם של הסרט Battleship המבוסס על המשחק ה”מרתק” ורב העלילה ”צוללות” (באנגלית Battleship) ?

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April 1st in Technology

April 1st, 2012

More interesting things will probably come up during the day, but so far I liked Google’s idea (also see a link from

שרכים על הקיר

February 23rd, 2012

צילום בלילה עם פלאש:


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Definetly the weirdest LDAP management tool

February 21st, 2012

Its called ldapvi, and its just about what you’d expect with that name :-). The author would like you to think about it as vipw for your LDAP based authentication, and in addition to a few command line option it really isn’t much more then that (UI-wise):

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